Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Elton John meet with David Cameron to discuss the work of his HTV and AIDS charity

Elton John has meet with prime minister David Cameron to discuss the work of his HIV and AIDS charity, the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

The private meeting was held at Downing Street and John international development secretary Andrew Mitchell, the department projects around the world worked with EJAF found.

EJAF role in meeting and dealing with government commitment to HIV rates looked at, according to the department.

John in March meeting declared that the basis of how he talks and the government can work together.

At this time he said, “It is startling that in this day and age the infection rate has gone up so much within gay men. It is something on our agenda and I’m going to be doing that when I come back in May".

Earlier this year, new statistics show that gay and bisexual men infected with HIV by 70 per cent increase in the past decade.